Edgar and Miner is a member of the Insurance Claims Collaborative Inc. (ICC). That is to say, in any emergency, we are able to assist insurance companies with insurance flooring restoration services. For instance, damage from fire, flood, or anything else insurance related.
The ICC is an independent Canadian national flooring appraisal and replacement service, and it’s offered to insurance companies as an insurance flooring restoration service. In addition, the ICC service is available to all Canadian Property Insurance Companies and their Independent Adjusting partners. A network of Canadian professional flooring retailers and members financially support this program.
“The mission of the ICC Insurance Claim Flooring Validation and Replacement Program is to assist both the Insurer and Insured to fairly and accurately determine the quality of the latter’s damaged flooring and to recommend currently available product alternatives of like, kind and quality. “
As a ICC retailer, we are able to coordinate with contractors and the insured to complete site measurements and create an online quote through ICC. Upon completion of the quote, as the retailer, we then invoice ICC directly to allow for invoice audits.
The next time an emergency strikes, know that we can provide quick service and quality work at a fair price. You can come visit us at our showroom and we can discuss your options in our commercial library on-site.